The authors review their experience with 38 patients with Meckel's diverticulum, of whom 11 were symptomatic. Complications occur in 15-30% of cases, most frequently secondary to bleeding, obstruction, inflammation, or perforation. The diverticulum is seen in only a small percentage of cases, which has led to a prevailing attitude of pessimism. The authors feel that this attitude is unwarranted, as more than two-thirds of the symptomatic cases reveal roentgen abnormalities related to the complications. INDEX TERMS: Intestines, diverticula Radiology 106:295-298, February 1973 Diagnostic Radiology M E CKE L ' S diverticulum is a sacculation of the ileum which is located on the antimesenteric border of the intestine and an average of 80-85 em above the ileocecal valve.