The Decimation Multipath Delay Feedback (M 2 DF) is a technique for the radix 2 k FFT, which eliminates the stand by time of arithmetic modules in computing units. In this paper tunable M 2 DF architecture is proposed. In this, tunable arithmetic units are utilized in place of conventional arithmetic units to overcome the under utilization of arithmetic units in conventional M 2 DF architecture. The results show that, the tunable M 2 DF technique utilizes the lesser number of LUTs and slice registers than the conventional M 2 DF technique. In addition, the proposed technique having advantage of high throughput with reduced delay and area compared with conventional M 2 DF.Copy Right, IJAR, 2018,. All rights reserved.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Introduction:-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is mostly used algorithm for Discrete Fourier Transform computation in the field of signal processing. The area efficient and high performance FFT implementation throws a challenge on the designers. Hardware designers are putting effort to design effectual architectures for the computation of the FFT to meet required specifications and real-time fulfillment of present applications. Various techniques have proposed over the years to tradeoff the area and performance of the FFT. Pipelined architectures [1] are extensively used because they will achieve more throughputs and small latencies relevant for today's applications to achieve small area and to dissipate less power. The single path delay commutators (SDC) [2] are the most popular technique in the serial input and serial output scenarios. Single path delay feedback (SDF) architecture is proposed to reduce the memory banks in the pipelines [3]. The SDF concept extended to radix 2 to radix 2 k [4][5][6]. The high throughput requirements of communication services encouraged to multipath delay commutators [7] and multipath delay feedback (MDF) [8].The MDF structures are formed using multiple interconnected SDFs. The MDF scheme is utilized in various applications due to its efficient memory usage, but suffers from arithmetic resource utilization and it is rectified in M 2 DF architecture [9], which utilizes the folding transformation technique for the significant reduction of arithmetic resources.In this work, tunable M 2 DF architecture is proposed to further reduce the arithmetic operations in terms of number of LUTs and registers.Construction of M 2 DF Architecture:-Design of parallel radix-2 k FFT processor based on folding transformations to derive the folding matrices of DIF and DIT of SDF structures. The pipelined structure is rescheduled by incorporating DIF blocks into DIT blocks to form