At the European Parliament is urgent need to merge a "Unified European Directive for the use of subsurface and lands to produce energy/heat/resources", especially creating an "unified permit exploration", because energy-heat technologies for the subsurface are multiplied and increasingly interconnected: i) the same crustal block can now be used both at several layers and in several geologic strata, for example combining geothermal energy with CO2 storage: ii) gas production with subsequent or simultaneous natural gas storage (CH4) both conventional and unconventional (CBM = Coal Bed Methane, as well as shale/oil gas); iii) injection of fluids during the production geothermal energy; iv) energy storage in the upper layers and maybebelow-a reservoir of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) to reinject fluids: the CO2 can be stored in coal beds at shallower levels or by deeper Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR-CO2); v) shale gas can be extracted with aqueous fluids, from other layers, as scrap unconventional production in more desert areas (i.e. where induced/triggered seismicity has less risk). Water waste management is to be included too, as well as regulatory framework for abandoned-orphan wells. The vision of the paperhere only partially discussed due to the few pages available, moves and is driven by the multi-faced Italian regulatory framework, which is very complete/complex, despite divided in-at least-5 different laws, not jointed in any manner up to date each-other. In particular, a dozen Italian laws would be merged in a single law/directive, "Unified European Directive for the use of subsurface and lands to produce energy/heat/resources", that makes faster the authorization process for a "unified permit exploration" both at Ministry of Economic Development and at Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA-VAS) procedures. As an example, the pre-existing laws, including geothermal energy legislation opening the market to little enterprises too-that only recently (2010) has been renewed, is already obsolete, both in the light of public acceptance issues (very useful should be the use of 3D printer scaled underground vision!), and in the light of new technologies using the underground 3D space to produce energy-heat, coming from overseas, to be customized for each country in the Strategic Energy Planning (SEN).