Comparison is an important role in the quality control and quality assurance for any measuring system. Due to the future legal regulations regarding radon levels in the air, maintaining the system quality and harmonization of results as well as validation of radon and thoron measuring systems is important. The aim of this work is to validate the degrees of equivalence and measurement precisions of the existing five radon and four thoron measuring systems located in four Asian countries (China, India, Japan and Thailand) through comparison experiment. In this project, comparison experiment was performed in order to derive the ratio between assigned value obtained from one transfer measurement device for radon and one transfer measurement device for thoron belongs to National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology and participants’ value from their measuring instrument. As a result, the ratio value associated with measurement uncertainty was derived for each activity concentration. Finally, measurement bias and degrees of equivalence between the assigned values and values of measurement quantity from participants’ measuring instruments were statistically analysed and presented.