-We show that the fluctuations associated with ferro orbital order in the dxz and dyz orbitals can develop a sharp resonance mode in the superconducting state with a nodeless gap on the Fermi surface. This orbital resonance mode appears below the particle-hole continuum and is analogous to the magnetic resonance mode found in various unconventional superconductors. If the pairing symmetry is s±, a dynamical coupling between the orbital ordering and the d-wave subdominant pairing channels is present by symmetry. Therefore the nature of the resonance mode depends on the relative strengths of the fluctuations in these two channels, which could vary significantly for different families of the iron based superconductors. The application of our theory to a recent observation of a new δ-function-like peak in the B1g Raman spectrum of Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 is discussed, and we predict that the same orbital resonance mode can be detected in electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS).Introduction. -For high-temperature superconductors, cuprates and iron pnictides, resolving the nature of the fluctuations in both the normal and superconducting states remains a crucial question as it holds the key to the pairing mechanism. In cuprates, due to the strong antiferromagnetism in the parent compounds, it is widelybelieved that the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are the most important ingredient in the pairing mechanism. One of the marquee indicators of this is the magnetic resonance mode [1] observed in the superconducting state of every cuprate. From the BCS theory, the spin-flip susceptibility of an electron scattered from k to k + q in the superconducting state gains an extra coherence factor which is proportional to (1 − sgn(∆( k))sgn(∆( k + q))). Since the gap symmetry of the cuprates is d-wave signified by sgn(∆( k)) = −sgn(∆( k + Q)), the spin excitations near q = Q are compatible with superconductivity. It can be further shown [2-6] that a sharp δ-function-like resonance mode in the spin-flip susceptibility requires an antiferromagnetic spin interaction to pull the resonance mode to an energy below the particle-hole continuum. In other words, despite some dependence on the detailed electronic structure, the existence of the magnetic resonance mode is predominantly determined by the gap symmetry and the nature of the spin interaction. As a result, it has been identified as an unambiguous [1] indicator that antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations remain strong in the super-