In this context, we have reexamined the acoustical shock wave-induced amorphous-glassy-crystalline−amorphous phase transitions in the Li 2 SO 4 sample under 0, 1, 2, and 3 shocked conditions by implementing the detailed Raman spectroscopic approach. The recorded Raman spectroscopic data clearly reveal that the transition from the amorphous-glassycrystalline state occurs because of a significant reduction of the translational disorder of lithium cations, particularly [Li (2)] ions wherein a slight reduction of the librational disorder of SO 4 anions takes place, whereas the crystalline to amorphous transition occurs only at the third shocked condition because of the librational disorder of SO 4 anions. The double degenerate υ 2 and υ 4 Raman modes provide a clear indication of the occurrence of the librational disorder of SO 4 anions at the third shocked condition. Followed by the internal Raman modes, a detailed discussion is provided on the external Raman modes of the Li ions and SO 4 ions with respect to the observed phase transitions, wherein it is found that the regions of lattice modes are significantly altered at each and every point of phase transition. Furthermore, the thermal and magnetic measurements have been performed for the above-mentioned state of Li 2 SO 4 samples, whereby the obtained results of the magnetic loops and the thermal property resemble the observed structural transitions with respect to the number of shock pulses such that the inter-relationship of the structure-electrical-magnetic-thermal properties of Li 2 SO 4 could be explored.