The development and implementation of the digital campus concept as a learning model with technology has been successfully implemented on the Bandar Lampung University campus. As a digital campus using a web and android-based application system, Bandar Lampung University has UBL Apps which are useful for implementing learning models, teaching models, archives, portfolio systems, digital libraries, attendance to academic administration systems. As a form of digital campus implementation, UBL Apps are required to digitally fulfill all the needs and activities of students, lecturers, and employees. One of the important systems to be included in UBL Apps is the submission of a free administrative certificate which is done digitally. A total of 4874 active students at the University of Bandar Lampung in the Odd Semester of FY. 2021/2022 and the author takes a population of 400 active students from the Faculty of Computer Science, Bandar Lampung University to obtain pre and post data in developing this system. The development of this system is aimed at digitizing the administration-free submission system and studying the development method that the author uses. The type of research used is applied research with the application development method, namely Extreme Programming. A total of 58 student samples were obtained from calculations using Isaac and Michael's formula and conclusions were calculated using a Likert scale, as well as interviews with related staff. The result of this research is that the development of a UBL Apps free administration certificate submission system makes it easier for students