Access control is a method to control someone's access to enter the room. This is necessary so that the safety of the room can be physically maintained by limiting who is allowed to access the room and the assets in it. By implementing access control, the risk of damaging the assets in the room can be reduced. In addition to room access restrictions, access records are also needed to find out who and when someone who has access has accessed the room. Therefore we need a tool that can limit and record the time and identity of room access. The method used in this research is hardware prototyping which consists of planning, component testing, design, integration, overall testing and optimization. This research produces a prototype device using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as an Access Control System for Laboratory and Lecture Rooms in the Vocational School Computer Study Program. This tool is a tool that is able to monitor student activities when entering and leaving the laboratory and lecture hall. This tool utilizes a RFID sensor, Selenoid Door Lock, Dfplayer mini mp3, relay, buzzer, LED, push button, speaker, resistor, reed switch, database and web page as the output display. All components and input to output processing are integrated by the nodeMCU microcontroller with System On Chip ESP8266. With the RFID Development Tool as an Access Control System for the Laboratory and Lecture Room, the Computer Vocational Study Program can monitor student activities when entering and leaving the room, so that these activities can be managed properly by the room manager.