Pembelajaran seni dan budaya musik di SMPN 3 Singosari juga mengacu pada teori bahwa Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal tidak dapat dipenuhi dengan nilai optimal 78. Saat ini baru sekitar 85 persen pembelajaran yang seharusnya berada pada kisaran 90-100 persen. Peran guru dalam menentukan model pembelajaran yang tepat, salah satunya ialah model pembelajaran kontekstual dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu penelitian disini bermaksud agar mengetahui dan melaporkan pengaruh model pembelajaran kontekstual pada hasil belajar peserta didik kelas VIII mata pelajaran seni budaya (musik) di SMP Negeri 3 Singosari. Metodenyang dipakai dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian kuantitatif memakai desain eksperimen. Sampel ditentukan dengan memanfaatkan teknik nonprofit sampling dan objektif sampling sehingga peneliti mengambil siswa dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII G sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII H sebagai kelas kontrol. Data dikumpulkan dari nilai post-test terbaik dan terbanyak. Berdasarkan rerata terbaik dan postes kelas eksperimen dan kontrol serta hasil uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji linieritas dan uji sampel independen, model pembelajaran kontekstual diketahui berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa materi seni budaya (musik) untuk siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Singosari.
Kata kunci: model pembelajaran kontekstual; hasil belajar
The Effect of Contextual Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Music Class for Eighth Grade Junior High School Students
Learning arts and culture and music at State Junior High School 3 Singosari also refers to the theory that the Minimum Completeness Criteria cannot be met with an optimal score of 78. Currently, only about 85 percent of learning should be in the 90-100 percent range. The teacher's role in determining the right learning model, one of which is the contextual learning model in learning. Therefore, this research aims to find out and report on the effect of the contextual learning model on the learning outcomes of class VIII students on Monday's cultural (music) lessons at State Junior High School 3 Singosari. The method used in this research is quantitative research using experimental design. The sample was determined by using non-profit sampling and objective sampling techniques so that the researchers took students from the two classes, namely class VIII G as the experimental class and class VIII H as the control class. Data were collected from the best and most post-test scores. Based on the best average and posttest experimental and control classes as well as the results of the normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test and independent sample test, the contextual learning model is known to have an effect on student learning outcomes in cultural arts (music) materials for students in class VIII at State Junior High School 3 Singosari.
Keywords: contextual learning model; learning outcomes