Low-energy magnon bands in a two-dimensional spin ice model become integer quantum magnon Hall bands under an out-of-plane field. By calculating the localization length and the two-terminal conductance of magnon transport, we show that the magnon bands with disorders undergo a quantum phase transition from an integer quantum magnon Hall regime to a conventional magnon localized regime. Finite size scaling analysis as well as a critical conductance distribution shows that the quantum critical point belongs to the same universality class as that in the quantum Hall transition. We characterize thermal magnon Hall conductivity in disordered quantum magnon Hall system in terms of robust chiral edge magnon transport.
PACS numbers:Bosonic analogue of integer quantum Hall states have been proposed in a number of quasi-particle boson systems with broken time-reversal symmetry such as photon, 1-6 phonon, 7 exciton, 8 exciton-polariton, 9 triplon, 10 magnon 11-19 and surface magnon-polariton. 20 Typically, their quasi-particle excitations have extended bulk bands with topological integers and topological edge modes whose chiral dispersions cross band gaps among these bulk bands. Due to its chiral (unidirectional) nature, a quasi-particle boson flow along the edge mode is believed to be robust against generic elastic backward scatters, fostering a rich prospect of their future applications. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][11][12][13]20 On the one hand, these bosonic systems often break conservation of the quasi-particle number even at the level of respective quadratic Hamiltonian. 8,9,[11][12][13][14][15][16]19,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27] Thereby, one naturally wonders if the quasi-particle flow along the topological edge modes is still robust against such particle-number-nonconserving perturbations or not. In other words, one may raise a question whether two quantum Hall regimes with different Chern integers are topologically distinguishable even in the absence of the U(1) symmetry associated with the quasi-particle number conservation.In this rapid communication, we study effects of generic disorder potentials in a simplest spin model in a quantum magnon Hall regime. Our numerical results and the following argument clarify that, even without the explicit U(1) symmetry at the Hamiltonian level, the topological magnon edge mode provides a robust quantized magnon conductance and therefore quantum magnon Hall regimes with different topological integers are always distinguished by a quantum critical point with delocalized bulk magnon band. Thermal conductance distributions calculated at the critical point clearly shows that the quantum critical point belongs to the same universality class as the two-dimensional integer quantum Hall plateau-plateau transition. Based on these knowledge, we give a generic expression for the thermal Hall conductivity in disordered integer quantum bosonic Hall systems from edge transport picture.We study spin excitations in a square-lattice spin ice model 28-31 under out-of-plane Zeeman field H Z ;