The integrated circuit has, since it was invented in the late 1950's, undergone a tremendous development and is today found in virtually all electric equipment. The small feature size and low production cost have made it possible to implement electronics in everyday objects ranging from computers and mobile phones to smart prize tags. Integrated circuits are typically used for data communication, signal processing and data storage. Data is usually stored in digital format but signal processing can be performed both in the digital and in the analog domain. For best performance, the right partition of signal processing between the analog and digital domain must be used. This is made possible by data converters converting data between the domains. A device converting an analog signal into a digital representation is called an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a device converting digital data into an analog representation is called a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). In this work we present research results on these data converters and the results are compiled in three different categories. The first contribution is an error correction technique for DACs called dynamic element matching, the second contribution is a power efficient time-to-digital converter architecture and the third is a design methodology for frequency synthesis using digital oscillators.The accuracy of a data converter, i.e., how accurate data is converted, is often limited by manufacturing errors. One type of error is the so-called matching error and in this work we investigate an error correction technique for DACs called dynamic element matching (DEM). If distortion is limiting the performance of a DAC, the DEM technique increases the accuracy of the DAC by transforming the matching error from being signal dependent, which results in distortion, to become signal independent noise. This noise can then be spectrally shaped or filtered out and hereby increasing the overall resolution of the system. The DEM technique is investigated theoretically and the theory is supported by measurement results from an implemented 14-bit DAC using DEM. From the investigation it is concluded that DEM increases the performance of the DAC when matching errors are dominating but has less effect at conversion speeds when dynamic errors dominate.The next contribution is a new time-to-digital converter (TDC) architecture. A TDC is effectively an ADC converting a time difference into a digital representation. The proposed architecture allows for smaller and more power efficient data conversion than previously reported and the implemented TDC prototype is smaller and more power efficient as compared to previously published TDCs in the same performance segment.The third contribution is a design methodology for frequency synthesis using digital oscillators. Digital oscillators generate a sinusoidal output using recursive algorithms. We show that the performance of digital oscillators, in terms of amplitude and frequency stability, to a large extent depends on t...