We develop a new approach to combinatorial games that reveals connections between such games and some of the central ideas of nonlinear dynamics: scaling behaviors, complex dynamics and chaos, universality, and aggregation processes. We take as our model system the combinatorial game Chomp, which is one of the simplest in a class of "unsolved" combinatorial games that includes Chess, Checkers, and Go. We discover that the game possesses an underlying geometric structure that "grows" ͑reminiscent of crystal growth͒, and show how this growth can be analyzed using a renormalization procedure adapted from physics. In effect, this methodology allows one to transform a combinatorial game like Chomp into a type of dynamical system. Not only does this provide powerful insights into the game of Chomp ͑yielding a complete probabilistic description of optimal play in Chomp and an answer to a longstanding question about the nature of the winning opening move͒, but more generally, it offers a mathematical framework for exploring this unexpected relationship between combinatorial games and modern dynamical systems theory. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2725717͔Combinatorial games, which include Chess, Go, Checkers, Chomp, Dots-and-Boxes, and Nim, have both captivated and challenged mathematicians, computer scientists, and players alike. These are two-player games with no randomness (e.g., no rolling of dice or dealing of cards) and no hidden information (unlike poker, for instance). Apart from their obvious entertainment value, combinatorial games have long been the subject of much serious study owing to the deep mathematical questions they raise in areas such as computational complexity, graph theory, and surreal numbers. 1-3 Using the game of Chomp as a prototype, we report here on a new geometrical approach which unveils unexpected parallels between combinatorial games and some of the central ideas of dynamical systems theory, most notably notions of scaling, renormalization, universality, and chaotic attractors. We show in particular that the game of Chomp can behave in ways analogous to a chaotic dynamical system. This insight and subsequent analysis allows us not only to answer a number of open questions about the game of Chomp, but also provides a new perspective on complex combinatorial games more generally and offers a mathematical framework for understanding this connection between combinatorial games and dynamical systems. Our central finding is that underlying the game of Chomp is a geometric structure that encodes essential information about the game, and that this structure exhibits a type of spatial scale invariance: Loosely speaking, the geometry of "small" and "large" winning positions in the game look the same, after rescaling. We demonstrate that the geometries on different spatial scales can be related to one another via a set of recursion operators, which in turn allows us to recast the game as a type of dynamical system. We then analyze this "dynamical system" using tools and conce...