Ozone is aunstable gas, proposed in medicine filed especially for microbial infections. It can be used in the form of oxygen-ozone gas mixture , diluted in aqueous solution and in the form of ozonized oil. Its antimicrobial action is linked to damage to the cytoplasmic membrane, and so it has been proposed in different dentistry fields. The most simple application is ozonated water. The aim of this pilot study is to evaluate the effectiveness on dentinal sensitivity, of a particular device called Aquolab (Sweden & Martina , Padua , Italy), similar to a water-jet, that dispenses a mixture of water and ozone7 patients were enrolled in this pilot study, 4 female patients e 3 male patients with some difficult to eat and drink cold food. An NSR scale test was administered to the patients, to quantify the dentinal sensitivity, on groups of 3-4 dental elements. The values reported were registered. A single session of 60 seconds mixture of water and ozone was performed, with program 1 for water delivery and program 3 for ozone delivery. After the session the NSR scale test was submitted again to the patients. In 3 patients has been possible to record also the values at 1 months follow up.The average of the values found was 7,42 before the treatments and 2,5 immediately after the session with Aquolab. In one patient the value of the test at 1 months follows up was 0,5, the same that after the treatment. In another patient the value was 1 after the session and 0 after the 1months follow up; one patient reported the value of 4 at the follow up visit. All patients had improved their sensitivity.The use of ozonized water for oral infections treatment is successfully documented in the literature but there is no work on the use of this garrison to reduce this problem. This device could be considered useful to treat dentinal sensitivity without any type of collateral events. More clinical studies are needed to confirm this preliminary results.