Comparison of the effect between two doses of vaginal misoprostol in the termination of firsttrimester pregnancy: a double-blinded randomized trial Submit Manuscript |
IntroductionThe management of pregnancy termination by induced abortion is a prevalent obstetrics and gynecologic operation, however, it is invasive and in some cases risky procedure.1,2 Therefore, some specialists have presented medical abortion as an alternative for surgical abortion especially in mothers with early gestational age less than 7 weeks.3 Mifepristone was the first agent used for medical termination of pregnancy 4 and some years later methotrexate was approved for medical abortion.5 Prostaglandin agents are the most common drugs, to achieve the medical termination in women in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. 4 Misoprostol is a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E1 that firstly was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for peptic ulcer 4 and later it has been administered in patients with unwilling pregnancy to induce abortion. 5,6 Bugalho et al. 7 administered vaginal misoprostol for medical abortion and demonstrated that it was effective agent to terminate the pregnancy and the successful rate was about 80%, 7 furthermore, these results repeated in some other trials used misoprostol and revealed it is high efficient agent with low serious side effects in women under medical abortion.
8−12To increase the efficacy of misoprostol, it has been used in combination with other agents such as methotrexate and mifepristone for the termination of pregnancy in the first trimester and reported a highly efficacy ranged from 83-97%.13,14 On the other hand, recent experiences proved that women are more satisfied with medical abortion using misoprostol. In this regard, a study by Zikopoulos revealed that 91.3% of the women are satisfied with medical termination and they were very keen to choose it again and recommended it to other women.15 Some other practices confirmed more efficacies with higher doses of misoprostol.16−20 Therefore, in this randomized double-blinded clinical trial we compared the efficacy of two doses of vaginal misoprostol for elective termination of pregnancies in women with gestational age less than 96 days.
Materials and methodsThe study was prospectively conducted at Imam Hussein University Hospital between 2013 and 2014. The research has been approved by the ethic committee of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (registration number sbmu. rec.1393.553). Our plan is comparison of the effect between two doses of vaginal misoprostol in the termination of first-trimester pregnancy. The criteria for enrollment were singleton pregnancy, indication for pregnancy termination due to either fetal or maternal causes or gestational age ≤96 days (e.g, missed abortion, blighted ovum, and maternal medical problem). The exclusion criteria were
Review Article AbstractBackground and aim: a higher dose of misoprostol may increase its efficacy on the termination of pr...