Objective: To analyze the influence of political connections on the disclosure of social and environmental information. Method: The survey sample is composed of 370 companies listed on B3. To determine the level of socio-environmental disclosure, the sustainability reports for 2016 were analyzed, based on the guidelines of the Integrated Report (IR). As for the political connections, the existence of political or government shareholding in companies was analyzed, as well as the donations made by the companies to the electoral campaigns, both in 2014. Originality / Relevance: The discussion in the national academic environment about the reflexes caused by the connections established between companies and government, especially considering the socio-environmental disclosure as the affected side, is still incipient. Results: The results do not allow to assess the real effect of the political connections on the socio-environmental disclosure index, but there are indications of a negative influence in this scope. The influence of size, company participation in the ISE portfolio and the company's performance in a regulated segment, on the level of social and environmental disclosure, are explained by the Theory of Legitimacy. Theoretical/methodological contributions: There are indications that, in Brazil, the effect of political connections on socioenvironmental disclosure may be negative, due to the weak institutional environment, with deficient rules and regulations. It is important to pass on this information, given the growing economic, social and environmental impact of companies in the region in which they operate and in society.