The Last Interglacial (LIG) stage (ca. 130-115 ka), with polar temperatures likely 3-5 • C warmer than today, serves as a partial analogue for low-end future warming scenarios. Multiple indicators suggest that LIG global sea level (GSL) was higher than at present; based upon a small set of local sea level indicators, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s Fourth Assessment Report inferred an elevation of approximately 4-6 m. While this estimate may be correct, it is based upon overly simplistic assumptions about the relationship between local sea level and global sea level. Sea level is often viewed as a simple function of changing global ice volume. This perspective neglects local variability, which arises from several factors, including the distortion of the geoid and the elastic and isostatic deformation of the solid Earth by shifting ice masses. Accurate reconstruction of past global and local sea levels, as well as ice sheet volumes, therefore requires integrating globally distributed data sets of local sea level indicators. To assess the robustness of the IPCC's global estimate and search for patterns in local sea level that are diagnostic of meltwater sources, we have compiled a comprehensive database that includes a variety of local sea level indicators from 47 localities, as well as a global sea level record derived from oxygen isotopes. We generate a global synthesis from these data using a novel statistical approach that couples Gaussian process regression to Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation of geochronological errors. Our analysis strongly supports the hypothesis that global sea level during the Last Interglacial was higher than today, probably peaking between 6-9 m above the present level. This level is close to that expected from the complete melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, or from major melting of both the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. In the period when sea level was within 10 m of the modern value, the fastest rate of sea level rise sustained for a 1 ky period was likely about 80-110 cm per century. Combined with the evidence for mildly higher temperatures during the LIG, our results highlight the vulnerability of ice sheets to even relatively low levels of sustained global warming.