Background Owing to contradictory results, HLA matching in penetrating keratoplasty still is equivocal. Different surgical techniques in multicentre studies, missing risk differentiation in high-risk situations, and faulty HLA typing can be identified as main reasons for these contradictory results. In this monocentre study, the value of HLA class I and II matching (A, B, DR loci) was examined in a homogeneous group of 418 normal-risk keratoplasty patients using serological typing techniques for HLA class I and immunogenetic typing techniques for class II. Methods Penetrating normal-risk keratoplasty was performed in two groups of patients (group I with 0-2, group II with 3-6 mismatches in the A/B/DR loci). All surgery was carried out by three experienced surgeons according to a standardized scheme. Furthermore, postoperative therapy and controls were standardized. There were no statistically significant differences between the two study groups with regard to the number of ABO or H-Y compatibilities, patient age, patient gender, ratio of previous intraocular surgery, ratio of triple procedures, indication for surgery, follow-up period, donor age, donor gender, post-mortem time of the graft, and endothelial cell density of the graft at the end of organ culture. All HLA typing was performed in a quality-controlled laboratory, serologically for HLA class I (A and B loci) and immunogenetically for HLA class II (DR locus). Results At 4 years postoperatively, the ratio of clear and rejection-free graft survival was 92% in group I and 66% in group II (KaplanMeier estimation, log rank test, P ¼ 0.03). Monovariate analysis in the Cox model gave no influence of solitary HLA class I or II