“…In addition, Raman shifts of 856 cm −1 , 939 cm −1 , 1004 cm −1 , 1245 cm −1 , 1451 cm −1 , and 1666 cm −1 found in skeletal muscle represented collagen 31,43 and amide III; 1083 cm −1 , 1303 cm −1 , 1441 cm −1 , and 1657 cm −1 in adipose tissues were lipid 44 and fatty acid assignments. 36 Furthermore, prominent Raman shifts found in blood cells represented hemoglobin molecules (677 cm −1 , 755 cm −1 , 827 cm −1 , and 1224 cm −1 ) 45,46 and protein vibrational modes (622 cm −1 , 1003 cm −1 , and 1342 cm −1 ) 27,28,33 Table 2 Putative assignments of significant Raman shifts identified in FFPE normal (18) and tumor (42) specimens. The Raman spectral dataset was analyzed by unpaired t test and P values were adjusted with the Bonferroni-Dunn method for multiple comparisons (*P < 0.05)…”