We construct the relativistic chiral Lagrangians with decuplet baryons up to the order Oðp 4 Þ (one loop). For the meson-decuplet-decuplet couplings, there are 1, 13, 55, and 548 terms in the Oðp 1 Þ − Oðp 4 Þ order Lagrangians, respectively. For the meson-octet-decuplet Lagrangians, the number of independent terms from Oðp 1 Þ to Oðp 4 Þ is 1, 5, 67, and 611, respectively. For convenience of application, the πΔΔ and πNΔ chiral Lagrangians are picked out. This new form of Δ Lagrangians is equivalent to the original isovectorisospinor one, and we establish relations between these two forms.