Stimulation of glycogen phosphorylase in rat hepatocytes via prostanoid release from Kupffer cells by recombinant rat anaphylatoxin C5a but not by native human C5a in hepatocyte/Kupffer cell co-cultures first published in: FEBS Letters 372 (1995), 1, p. 108-112, DOI 10.1016 . Surprisingly, human C5a, which in most systems elicits much stronger effects than C3a, did not increase glycogenolysis in perfused rat liver [3]. It was assumed that the lack of an effect of human C5a in perfused rat liver was due to a species incompatibility [3].The aim of the current study was to corroborate the apparent species specificity of anaphylatoxin. C5a and, moreover, to demonstrate the C5a-elicited intercellular communication via prostanoids in Kupffer cell/hepatocyte co-cultures. It was found that recombinant rat C5a but not native human C5a increased prostanoid formation in cultured rat Kupffer cells and stimulated glycogen phosphorylase activity in rat Kupffer cell/hepatocyte co-cultures via an aspirin-inhibitable mechanism.