Nitrogen fertilizer use to improve crop production is increasing worldwide, and subsequent N losses via NH 3 emissions generate undesirable economic and environmental consequences. Th us, low cost and practical methods to quantify NH 3 emissions are essential for the development of management practices that minimize environmental impacts. Th e objective of this study was to compare diff erent methods to quantify NH 3 loss following urea application to a grass fi eld and indoor soil boxes. Th e methods tested were: semi-open chamber (SOC), open-collector (OC), closed chamber (CC), and a recirculating chamber (RC). Th e SOC and OC were shown to be equally effi cient. Cumulative recoveries through 216 h for the outdoor study were 9.5 and 8.5 kg NH 3 -N ha -1 for OC and SOC (respectively), corresponding to 8 and 7% of the applied N. Th e closed-chamber recovered only 3.6% of applied N. For the indoor study, higher recovery rates were observed with all methods. Cumulative losses measured through 216 h did not diff er between SOC and OC (24.4 and 24.9 kg NH 3 -N, respectively) and represented about 20% of N applied. However RC and CC recovered 10 to 12% of the applied N (14.8 and 12 kg NH 3 -N ha -1 , respectively), which was signifi cantly less than amounts recovered with OC and SOC. Results from this study showed that SOCs and OCs are simple, practical, and low cost tools for quantifying NH 3 emissions either for indoor and outdoor studies compared with closed and recirculating chambers which presented disadvantages such as low NH 3 recovery and higher costs.