A quantitative study of the contribution of the malate-aspartate and glycerol-3-phosphate cycles to the translocation of reducing equivalents from cytosol to mitochondria during ethanol oxidation has been made in hepatocytes from euthyroid and hyperthyroid rats.1. In hepatocytes from euthyroid rats both cycles have an almost equal capacity and their relative contribution to total hydrogen transport to the mitochondria depends on the conditions chosen.2. In hepatocytes from hyperthyroid rats maximal rates of ethanol oxidation were significantly lower than in hepatocytes from euthyroid rats, even though the capacity of the glycerol-3-phosphate cycle was increased. This was due to a decreased activity of alcohol dehydrogenase.Three factors can control the rate of hepatic ethanol oxidation : firstly, the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase; secondly, the translocation of reducing equivalents from cytosol to mitochondria; and thirdly, the oxidation of mitochondrial reducing equivalents by oxygen. Depending on the experimental conditions each of these factors can be rate-limiting for ethanol oxidation [l -61. Of the various possible shuttle systems involved in the transport of reducing equivalents from cytosol to mitochondria the malate-aspartate and the glycerol-3-phosphate cycles are presumably quantitatively the most important ones (see [7,8] for reviews). There is, however, no general agreement about the relative importance of these two shuttles during ethanol oxidation. According to Berry and coworkers [5,9] the malate-aspartate cycle plays only a minor role in ethanol oxidation. However, in other reports the contrary is stated [1-3,lO-131. In this paper we describe a quantitative study of the contribution of the malate-aspartate and glycerol-3-phosphate cycles to the translocation of reducing