-Recently, it has become apparent that GIT fermentation is not only of interest for ruminant animals, but also for monogastrics. While it is now widely accepted that the fermentation process and its resultant end-products can have important influences on animal health, little is known about the microbiological and immunological processes involved. In terms of animal health, most interest at the moment is focussed on those moments in animals' lives when they are faced with sudden changes resulting in stress. The period of weaning in piglets is a typical example of this. The most easily accomplished and appropriate way to influence GIT fermentation processes is that of dietary intervention. This is reflected by the widespread interest in so-called pre-and pro-biotics. Given the complexities of the interactions occurring in the animal itself, it is hardly surprising that in vitro techniques are being widely used: firstly to examine potential substrates for their fermentability and possible inclusion in diets, and secondly, to assess changes in the microbial populations in response to these substrates. This paper will review the techniques currently in use for these two aspects of monogastric fermentation, and provide examples of their use.
gastro-intestinal tract / fermentation / in vitro / microbial activity / prebioticRésumé -Évaluation in vitro des fermentations dans le tube digestif : substrats fermentescibles et activité microbienne. Il est apparu récemment que les fermentations dans le tube digestif présentent un intérêt non seulement pour les ruminants mais aussi pour les monogastriques. Alors qu'il est maintenant bien accepté que les processus fermentaires et les produits terminaux résultants peuvent avoir des effets sur la santé animale, peu de choses sont connues concernant les processus microbiologiques et immunitaires impliqués. En termes de santé animale, le principal intérêt du moment est focalisé sur ces périodes de la vie animale pendant lesquelles les animaux sont confrontés à des changements soudains conduisant à une situation de stress. Le sevrage chez le porcelet est un exemple typique de ces périodes critiques d'élevage. La manière la plus simple et la plus appropriée * Corresponding author: barbara.williams@wur.nlArticle published by EDP Sciences and available at