In this paper we investigate finiteness properties of totally disconnected locally compact groups for general commutative rings R, in particular for R = Z and R = Q. We show these properties satisfy many analogous results to the case of discrete groups, and we provide analogues of the famous Bieri's and Brown's criteria for finiteness properties and deduce that both FPn-properties and Fn-properties are quasi-isometric invariant. Moreover, we introduce graph-wreath products in the category of totally disconnected locally compact groups and discuss their finiteness properties.Proposition 4.5. Suppose that a t.d.l.c. group G admits an n-good G-CWcomplex X over R of type F n , i.e., such that the n-skeleton has finitely many G-orbits. Then G is of type FP n .Proof. The proof of [11, Proposition 1.1] can be transferred verbatim.Remark 4.6. Notice that [13, Proposition 6.6] can be deduced from this result considering the topological realisation of a discrete simplicial G-complex.