$EVWUDFW Skeletal plans are a powerful way to reuse existing domain-specific procedural knowledge. In the $VJDDUG project, a set of tasks that support the design and the execution of skeletal plans by a human executing agent other than the original plan designer are designed. The underlying requirement to develop task-specific problem-solving methods is a PRGHOLQJ ODQJXDJe. Therefore, within the Asgaard project, a time-oriented, intention-based language, called $VEUX, was developed. During the design phase of plans, Asbru allows to express durative actions and plans caused by durative states of an observed agent. The intentions underlying these plans are represented explicitly as temporal patterns to be maintained, achieved or avoided. We will present the underlying idea of the Asgaard project and explain the time-oriented Asbru language. Finally, we show the benefits and limitations of the time-oriented, skeletal plan representation to be applicable in real-world, high-frequency domains.
0RWLYDWLRQ DQG ,QWURGXFWLRQWe are motivated by the need for knowledge-based support in the medical domain. Health care providers are faced with two problems: (1) the information overload resulting from modern equipment, and (2) improving the quality of health care through increased awareness of proper disease management techniques. &OLQLFDO SURWRFROV and JXLGHOLQHV should solve the difficulties. Clinical guideline refers to a general principle by which a course of actions is determined and clinical protocol refers to a general class of therapeutic interventions. In the following, we will use clinical guideline and protocol interchangeable.Appropriate clinical protocols are only available for a very limited class of clinical problems. They are not adjusted to the patient data-management system, they are partly vague and incomplete concerning their intentions and their temporal and context-dependent representation, and most often they are outdated after being developed. Extracting and formulating the knowledge structure for clinical protocols is a non trivial task. The context implicit in the protocols must be made explicit.