Goserelin is a synthetic analogue of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) [luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH); or gonadorelin] which stimulates gonadotrophin and sex hormone release in the short term, and then causes suppression with continued administration. Goserelin is given as a subcutaneous biodegradable depot incorporating 3.6 mg of the drug, which is released continuously at an average rate of 120 micrograms/day over 4 weeks. Monthly goserelin depot therapy produces partial disease remission or stabilisation in about 75% of men with previously untreated prostatic cancer, a rate equivalent to that achieved with orchidectomy or diethylstilbestrol (stilboestrol). The response to goserelin is more rapid than to diethylstilbestrol, and goserelin is better tolerated. About 30 to 45% of premenopausal women with breast cancer responded to goserelin using objective assessment criteria, suggesting comparability to ovariectomy. In benign hormone-dependent conditions, preoperative goserelin aids surgical removal of uterine leiomyoma (fibroids) and reduces blood loss, and 6 months of therapy relieves the signs and symptoms of endometriosis. The elevation in testosterone at the beginning of goserelin therapy can result in disease 'flare' in men with prostate cancer, and sex steroid suppression with continued treatment results in hot flushes and loss of libido in most patients. Thus, goserelin is an effective alternative to surgery or estrogen therapy in prostatic cancer palliation, and possibly to ovariectomy in premenopausal breast cancer. Other gynaecological conditions reliant on the pituitary-gonadal axis also appear amenable to hormone manipulation with goserelin.