“…For example, via 'relationally attuned [ … ] climate pedagogies' (Verlie and CCR15, 2018), 'remaking pedagogies' (Hofverberg, 2019), 'pedagogical strategies' (Jukes and Reeves, 2019), 'water and art as philosophical muse' and 'relational pedagogies' (Crinall and Somerville, 2019), thinking and 'hesitating' 'with microbes' as 'more-than-human agencements' in 'moldschools' (Tammi, 2019) we witness scholars from around the world re-working pedagogical possibilities by emphasising the relational qualities of the matter that co-create distributed agencies in environmental education. Similarly, articles on 'thinking with the elements' (Piotrowski, 2019) 'Assemblage Pedagogy' (Mannion, 2019), 'research assemblage' (Ruck and Mannion, 2019), and 'immanent environmental ethics' (Rousell, 2018) all endeavour to muddy arbitrary humanistic boundaries and binaries, and instead include the idea that we are always already 'of' the world, not simply in it or on it.…”