Study of heavy ion radiation–induced effects on mice could provide insight into the human health risks of space radiation exposure. The purpose of the present study is to assess the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 12C and 28Si ion radiation, which has not been reported previously in the literature. Female C57BL/6J mice (n=15) were irradiated using 4 to 8 Gy of 28Si (300MeV/nucleon energy; LET 70 keV/μm) and 5 to 8 Gy of 12C (290MeV/nucleon energy; LET 13 keV/μm) ions. Post-exposure, mice were monitored regularly and their survival observed for 30 days. The LD50/30 dose (the dose at which 50% lethality occurred by 30-days post-exposure) was calculated from the survival curve and was used to determine the RBE of 28Si and 12C in relation to γ radiation. The LD50/30 for 28Si and 12C ion is 5.17 Gy and 7.34 Gy respectively and the RBE in relation to γ radiation (LD50/30 – 7.25 Gy) is 1.4 for 28Si and 0.99 for 12C. Determination of RBE of 28Si and 12C for survival in mice is not only important for space radiation risk estimate studies, but also has implications for HZE radiation in cancer therapy.