Education in this country has long been based on normative whiteness and deficit-based pedagogies. This research has attempted to reimagine classrooms to be spaces where everyone in the room is considered an expert and has valuable contributions to offer. Coconstructed classrooms, where the teacher brings the content knowledge and the students bring the expertise of how they best learn, can be our collective future. For white teachers working with Black and Brown students specifically, these teachers' positionality, identity, and training have historically been a barrier to reimagined spaces. This study concludes for these teachers to engage authentic, meaningful culturally sustaining pedagogy, they must practice critical self-reflection as a bridge.This study offers a practical way for all teachers, and white teachers specifically, to ground themselves in four elements: participation, pedagogy, power, and passion. These four elements help white teachers ask themselves essential questions about the happenings of the classroom in which they work. The 4Ps grounding offers both critical questions and sustaining activities to help facilitate classroom coconstruction. Finally, this study offers a 2-year professional development plan to help make the 4Ps grounding a reality for all teachers. v Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to every student who has been silenced directly and indirectly in their classroom and every teacher who wants to disrupt this silencing and replace it with love, liberation, and justice. vi
AcknowledgementsThere is no shortage of people who need to be acknowledged for their love, guidance, and assistance in the completion of this dissertation. The people I have mentioned are in no particular order and by no means comprise the exhaustive list.I am eternally thankful to the scholars who agreed to guide me through the dissertation process. Even though they were assuredly unaware as to what they were agreeing to by being on my committee, they were exactly the people I needed. Dr. Dawn-Elissa Fischer, you were a dope thought partner and tremendous mentor. This dissertation has your fingerprints all over it, and it is better for it. I hope this is just the first of many collaborations. Dr. Robert Bonner, thank you for every piece of thoughtful feedback you contributed to this work. The expertise and perspectives you brought made it more complete and thoughtful. I look forward to growing our friendship. Dr. Don Frazier, your presence from the very start cannot be overstated. Your patience with me and my writing has meant everything. Your feedback has meant even more.Our friendship is an added benefit to the completion of this work.Dr. Larissa Hsia-Wong, your thoughtfulness and brilliance are so appreciated. The willingness you displayed to be an impromptu thought partner and editor allowed me to get out of my own way numerous times. I cannot thank you enough for your help.To my friends and family who asked about this project, supported me from both near and far, and demonstrated true love and fr...