“…In elementary and high school general music classes, for example, teachers routinely use the Music Achievement Tests (Colwell, 1969(Colwell, , 1970, the Iowa Tests of Music Literacy (Gordon, 1970), and the Silver Burdett Music Competency Tests (Colwell, 1979) to assess the accomplishment of learning objectives. In colleges, administrators and faculty members frequently use the Aliferis Music Achievement Test (Aliferis, 1954;Aliferis & Stecklein, 1962), the Australian Test for Advanced Music Studies (Bridges, 1979), and the advanced music test supplement to the Graduate Record Examination (Educational Testing Service, 1986) to select and place students in undergraduate and graduate music programs. But the most popular music listening achievement tests today are those embedded within computer-assisted instructional software programs designed to enhance the acquisition of listening skills.…”