An information system containing reference information on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of calcium orthophosphates, pyrophosphates, and ultraphosphates is described. Aside from reference information the system contains a file of publications from different domestic and foreign search systems on the presented classes of calcium phosphates as well as on implantation materials based on them. The user and search interfaces of the system, intended for specialists in the field of inorganic materials and medical materials science, are described.The rapid advancement of medical materials science is explained by the need to develop high-efficiency, safe, and biocompatible artificial implantation materials (biomaterials) and medical devices capable of increasing the regenerative potential of the human body and restoring the wholeness and functionality of different organs and tissues. Implantation materials make it possible to replace the transplantation materials (materials of natural origin) in current use and thereby solve the problem of the immune conflict, histo-compatibility, and infection of the recipient organism from the donor organism. Research aimed at developing and manufacturing implantation materials and articles based on calcium phosphates for osteoplastic surgery, orthopedics, traumatology, and stomatology is a significant segment in the present market for science-intensive technologies.Biomaterials are called artificial implantation materials, functioning in contact and in interaction with live tissues and organs. Biomaterials must possess biocompatibility and in terms of the response of the surrounding tissues on the material can be bioinert, bioactive, and biodegradable [1].Biocompatibility is a property of biomaterials enabling the organism to respond adequately to implantation. Biocompatible materials are nontoxic and do not generate adverse organism-side immune other reactions [2]. Among biocompatible materials bioactive materials capable of initiating restorative processes in the implantation zone are singled out; a large class is represented by calcium phosphates.At present the following basic types of calcium-phosphate bioactive implantation materials for osteoplastics differing by the production technology and physical-mechanical properties are singled out [3 -5]:1) calcium-phosphate ceramic; 2) calcium-phosphate glass and glass ceramic; 3) calcium-phosphate cements; 4) composites based on calcium phosphates + polymers and calcium phosphates + metals.Different calcium-phosphate compounds which are responsible for biological activity and biological compatibility comprise the mineralogical base of the material (to 98 -99 wt.%) in the production of the indicated bioactive implantation materials and articles. Aside from calcium phosphates different sintering additives, flux additives, reinforcing substances, and pore formers are present in the initial mix of the components in ceramic and glassy implantation materials [3,4]. Plasticizing additives, pore formers, and reinforcing