“…[7] How-ever,asurvey of the literature indicates that difluoroketene is quite unstable and it facilely undergoes decomposition to generate CO and difluorocarbene. [8] In view of the fact that carbonylation of Fischertype carbenes with CO is as traightforward method for generating ketene, [9,10] we have hypothesized that difluoroketene may be generated directly from CO and difluorocarbene, which has recently attracted attention as at ype of electrophilic carbene [11,12] (Scheme 1b). [8] In view of the fact that carbonylation of Fischertype carbenes with CO is as traightforward method for generating ketene, [9,10] we have hypothesized that difluoroketene may be generated directly from CO and difluorocarbene, which has recently attracted attention as at ype of electrophilic carbene [11,12] (Scheme 1b).…”