Several classes of biological reactions that are mediated by an enzyme and a co-factor can occur, to a slower extent, not only without the enzyme but even without the co-factor, under catalysis by metal ions. This observation has led to the proposal that metabolic pathways progressively evolved from using inorganic catalysts to using organocatalysts of increasing complexity. Transamination, the biological process by which ammonia is transferred between amino acids and keto acids, has a mechanism that has been well studied under enzyme/co-factor catalysis and under co-factor catalysis, but the metal ion-catalyzed variant was generally studied mostly at high temperatures (70-100 ºC), and the details of its mechanism remain unclear. Here, we investigate which metal ions catalyze transamination under conditions relevant to biology (pH 7, 20-50 ºC) and study the mechanism in detail. Cu 2+ , Ni 2+ , Co 2+ and V 5+ were identified as the most active metal ions under these constraints. Kinetic, stereochemical and computational studies illuminate the mechanism of the reaction. Cu 2+ and Co 2+ are found to predominantly speed up the reaction by stabilizing a key imine intermediate. V 5+ is found to accelerate the reaction by increasing the acidity of the bound imine. Ni 2+ is found to do both to a limited extent. These results show that direct metal ion-catalyzed amino group transfer is highly favored even in the absence of cofactors or protein catalysts under biologically compatible reaction conditions.