Adsorptive stripping voltammetry, based on adsorptive accumulation, is very sensitive technique for the determination of antibiotics, drugs and organic substances of biologically significance.In this context, Palecek 1-4 investigated the interaction of various purine and pyrimidine derivatives with a charged mercury electrode surface. Procedures based on this type of interaction have been proposed for the anodic stripping analysis of pesudouracil. 4 The cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetric technique has been applied for the determination of a wide variety of nucleic acid bases 3,5,6 and their derivatives. [7][8][9] However, the interaction of such interesting biological compounds with metal ions has indicated that the chemical bond with the mercury is not only the case for stripping analysis technique.These compounds can be determined to ultra trace level as a complex form with voltammetrically active metal ions. [10][11][12] In a continuation of our previous studies 6-9,12 on the cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of some nucleic acid components, it would be of interest to investigate the adsorption and preconcentration for ultratrace voltammertic measurements of Xan and Xano under the optimum conditions. The adsorption and preconcentration studies were followed by the application of DPCASV and SWCASV techniques for a trace determination of the investigated compounds. The step of determination is based on a strong interaction of the adsorbed Xan or Xano species with the mercury electrode surface forming the Hg(II)-xanthate compound. The adsorption and preconcentration of the Cu(II)-xanthate complex at the mercury electrode surface was also investigated.
InstrumentationA Princeton Applied Research (PAR) Model 174A polarographic analyzer coupled with a PAR 174/50 ac polarographic interface and a PAR Model 510 (Lock-inamplifier) phase detector were used for ac voltammetric measurements. A PAR model 264 was used for cyclic and cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammertic measurements. PAR models 303 HMDE and an advanced X-Y recorder (model RE0151), equipped with the aforementioned instruments were used for all measurements. The voltammetric cell was maintained at 22 + 0.5˚C (5˚C for ac measurements). A saturated Ag/AgCl electrode and Pt wire electrode were used as reference and auxiliary electrodes. A stir-head bar and a PAR Model 305 stirrer were also used for the cyclic and stripping voltammetric techniques.
Reagents and proceduresXan and Xano were obtained from Sigma and were used without further purification. Solutions containing different concentrations of the investigated compounds were prepared by dissolving a known amount of the chemically pure product in a specific volume of twice-distilled water. Britton-Robinson (B.R) buffer was brought to a constant ionic strength of 0.5 mol -1 by the addition of NaNO3, and adjusted to the desired pH. All of the chemicals were of reagent grade (Merck, Darmstadt). All metal salts were in the nitrate form. Twice-distilled deionized w...