Natural convection of a fluid due to a heated or cooled boundary has been studied within a myriad of different contexts due to the prevalence of the phenomenon in environmental and engineered systems. It has, however, hitherto gone unrecognized that boundary-induced natural convection can propel immersed objects. We experimentally investigate the motion of a wedge-shaped object, immersed within a two-layer fluid system, due to a heated surface. The wedge resides at the interface between the two fluid layers of different density, and its concomitant motion provides the first demonstration of the phenomenon of propulsion via boundary-induced natural convection. Established theoretical and numerical models are used to rationalize the propulsion speed by virtue of balancing the propulsion force against the appropriate drag force. The phenomenon of natural convection generated by heated and cooled surfaces is ubiquitous. In engineering, for example, the effect is exploited to control transport and reactions in microfluidic devices [1] and in temperature control strategies for nuclear reactors [2] and buildings [3]. In geophysical systems, natural convection due to boundary cooling or heating is prevalent as anabatic and katabatic winds in valleys and over glaciers, respectively [4], and impacts the melting of icebergs [5]. Despite almost a century of research [6], although there have been a few studies of the motion of objects floating on the surface of [7], or immersed within [8], flows driven by natural convection, studies of boundary-induced natural convection have been restricted to systems with fixed boundaries [9]. Recently it has been demonstrated that a related class of boundary-layer flow, driven by molecular diffusion, can propel objects immersed in a fluid [10], albeit very slowly. Boundary-layer flows generated via natural convection are typically orders of magnitude stronger than their diffusive counterpart, and therefore have the potential to generate substantially faster propulsion speeds.To investigate the concept of natural convection driven propulsion, a triangular wedge of length l ¼ 260 mm, slope angle ϕ ¼ 30°and width w ¼ 61 mm was constructed and immersed in a two-layer fluid system, images of which are presented in Fig. 1(a). The dimensions of the wedge were chosen so that is was much narrower than the experimental tank, to limit the impact of sidewalls, and could accommodate an internal power supply and control electronics. A metal heating pad of length l h ¼ 113.5 mm and also 61 mm in width, flush-mounted in one of the sloping surfaces, was used to generate boundary layer convection. The pad was heated by a remotely activated 21 AE 1 W battery within the wedge. To isolate the wedge from surface tension effects that influence motion of an object floating at a free surface, its density was configured such that it was suspended within a two-layer stratification in an experimental tank 740 mm long, 510 mm wide, and 350 mm deep, with the base of the wedge level with the interface between the upper...