An overview of the state of the art concerning with earlier approaches to titration in redox systems is given in this chapter, in which an overview on redox bibliography has also been undertaken. Titration error has been the subject of a variety of excellent papers, but the number of papers dealing with titration error in redox titrations is scarce. However, a single hyperbolic sine expression for the titration error in donor/acceptor titration of displacement and electronic transference reactions is derived in this chapter. The titration error expression is applicable to symmetrical redox reactions, that is to say, those in which no polynuclear species are involved in the equilibria. The donor versus acceptor particle notation is chosen to accentuate the analogy with that used in the description of acids and bases following the steps given by the French School and other recognized authors (Budevsky, Butler, Charlot, Gauguin, Inczedy, Monnier, Rosset). A diagram for the titration error in function of the difference between the end and equivalence point (pX) is drawn in order to facilitate the graphical calculation of titration error. A detailed error analysis concerning with the propagation of systematic and random error propagation in the titration error is given.