We report shock tube studies of the kinetics of H atom addition to cyclopentene and modeling of the subsequent decomposition of cyclopentyl. Hydrogen atoms were generated with thermal precursors in dilute mixtures of cyclopentene and a reference compound in argon. Addition of H to the double bond leads to a cyclopentyl radical that rapidly ring opens and decomposes to ethene and allyl radical. The process was monitored by postshock gas chromatographic analysis of ethene and rate constants determined relative to H atom displacement of methyl from 1,3,5‐trimethylbenzene (135TMB). At 863–1167 K and 160–370 kPa, we find trueleftk()normalH+ cyclopentene → ethene + allyl /k()normalH+135 TMB →m‐xylene+ CH 3left1em=10−0.196prefixexp()19950.28emnormalK/italicT and, with kH+135 TMB →m‐xylene+ methyl =6.70×1013exp−3255K/T cm 3 mol −1s−1, we obtain truerightk()normalH+ cyclopentene → ethene + allyl =4.27×1013prefixexp()−12600.16emnormalK/italicT0.28em cm 30.28em mol −10.28emnormals−1
Using experimental values of about 3:1 for the ratio of C─C to C─H beta scission in cyclopentyl radicals and a corresponding transition‐state‐theory/Rice‐Ramsberger‐Kassel‐Marcus (TST/RRKM) model, the high‐pressure rate expression for addition of H to cyclopentene at 863–1167 K is derived as truerightk∞()normalH+ cyclopentene → cyclopentyl =5.37×1013prefixexp()−12130.28emnormalK/italicT0.28em cm 3 mol −1normals−1
Combined with literature results from lower temperatures and a fitted TST model, the rate expression between 298 and 2000 K is determined as truerightk∞()normalH+ cyclopentene → cyclopentyl =9.1×107italicT1.78prefixexp()−3240.16emnormalK/italicT cm 30.28em mol −10.28emnormals−1
Results are compared with related systems. Near 1000 K, our data require a minimum value of 1.5 for branching between beta C─C and C─H scission in cyclopentyl radicals to maintain established trends in H addition rates. This conflicts with current computed values and those used in existing kinetics models of cyclopentane combustion. We additionally report and discuss minor observed channels in the decomposition of cyclopentene, including formation of 1,4‐pentadiene, (E/Z)‐1,3‐pentadiene, 1,3‐butadiene, and the direct elimination of H2 from cyclopentene to give cyclopentadiene.