1) Mach, M.; Kersten, H.; Kersten, W. Saito, S.; Ohkubo, A.; Yamanaka, M.; OkaJi, M. Abstracts of the World Congress of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology 1987, 14, 80. Robinson, P. J.; Dunnlll, P.; Lilly, M. D. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1971, 242, 659-661 Rauhut, M. M. Acc. Chem. Res. 1989, 2 , 80-87. Murakita, H.; Watanabe, Y.; Fujiwara, M. Abstracts of International Conference on Polyamines In Life Sclences 1986, 253-254. Kamei, S.; Mashige, F.; Ohkubo, A.; Yamanaka, M.; Okada, M.; Imahorl, K. Jpn. An Ion chromatographlc method was developed for the fast and accurate determlnatlon of chlorlde In Pt-Re/AI,O, catalysts uslng a Dlonex Model 21201 Ion chromatograph. Extraction of chloride was carrled out wlth sodium hydroxide solution In a Teflon Parr bomb at 150 O C . After flltratlon, Ion chromatographlc analyses were made by Injecting 100 pL of the diluted solutlon Into the sample port. Separatlon of chlorlde was achleved on a Dlonex AS-4 separator and AG-4 guard column wlth sodium carbonate-blcarbonate eluent. Theproposed method Is free from Interferences of sulfide and halldes generally encountered In conventlonal potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. The total analysls time of less than 1 h was considerably shorter than that reported for conventlonal methods. The minimum detectable chloride In a catalyst sample was 0.1% by welght wlth a relatlve standard devlatlon of about 3%.