DedicatedtoKarel Mach on the occasiono fhis 80 th birthday.Abstract: Am ixed decamethyltitanocene(III) isonitrile alkynyl complex (7)w as synthesized by the sequential introduction of the isonitrile and alkynyl ligands. Direct synthesis results in the formationo ft he diamagneticd ecamethyltitanocene bis(isonitrile) (2)a nd bis(alkynyl) (3) complexes. Compound 7 undergoes disproportionation at room temperature to give 2 and 3.A ll complexes were fully characterizedb yI R, NMR, and EPR spectroscopy,a nd mass spectrometry.M olecular structures for complexes 2 and 7 are reported. The stability and reactivity of these complexesa re rationalized by DFT computations.The formation of metallacycles by intermolecular coupling of unsaturated substrates or intramolecular coupling of ligandsi s known in organometallic chemistry andh as allowed for the synthesis of highly straineda nd exotic structures.[1] Heterometallacycles as well as all-carbon metallacyclesw ith exocyclic heteroatoms can be accessed by using substrates and/orl igands such as CO 2 , [2] phospha-alkynes, [3] nitriles, [4] and isonitriles.[5] The versatility of isonitriles as ligandsw as thoroughly reviewed only recently.[6] We have demonstrated that isonitriles are versatile ligands fort he realisation of av ariety of coordination as wella sC ÀCa nd CÀNc oupling products at zirconocene and hafnocene fragments.[5a] Depending on the ratio of metallocene precursor and isonitrile, complexes showing different unusuals tructural motifs were identified and interconversion reactions were investigated. In general, exocyclic N-substitution was predicted to be favourable for the realisation of small, highly strainedm etallacycles. [7] We thus considered the combination of an isonitrile fragment with an alkyne or alkynyl complex as ap romising approach to access these.I nt his contribution, we reportt he synthesis and characterization of am ixed decamethyltitanocene isonitrile alkynyl complex. In solution this complex shows an equilibrium with the corresponding bis(isonitrile) and bis(alkynyl)complexes by disproportionation.These complexes can be regarded as potential precursorsf or the design of small, highly strained and exotic four-membered (hetero)metallacycles.In order to evaluatet he possibility of ad irect synthesis of am ixed titanocene(III) isonitrile alkynyl compound, we performed ar eaction of Cp* 2 TiCl (1)w ith 2,6-dimethylphenylisonitrile (XyNC) and lithium alkynyl compound LiC 2 SiMe 3 (Liac) (Scheme 1). The latter wasp repared by lithiation of trimethylsilylacetylene, isolated as ac olourless solid in good yield and unequivocally identified based on its NMR ( 29 Si: d = À30.3 ppm) and Raman data(1985 cm À1 ).[8]After workupi nn-hexanew eo bserved precipitation of am ixture of two different crystalline compounds,w hich could not be isolated by fractionalcrystallisation but were successfully separated by crystal picking. The 1 HNMR spectrum of this mixture clearly reveals the presence of two different diamagnetic decamethyltitanocene complexes ( C 5 Me ...