A mathematical model, based on reactions of independent functional
groups, is derived to describe kinetic
resolutions of bifunctional meso/dl stereoisomeric mixtures.
The model indicates that only the slow reacting
can be obtained (as recovered starting material) with high
stereoisomeric purity in these processes; the products
from the fast reacting enantiomer and the meso diastereomer
are predicted to have limited diastereoisomeric purity.
Recycling strategies are presented that can serve to enhance the
purity of the these products. In particular, if
can be performed using a reaction with selectivity opposite to that in
the first cycle, it is predicted that all three
components of a meso/dl mixture (or their derived products)
can be obtained with high stereoisomeric purity, even
from a process with modest enantiotopic group selectivity. These
predictions were tested by Sharpless epoxidation
of a 1:1 mixture of meso and racemic stereoisomers of
6,6-ethylenedioxy-1,10-undecadiene-3,9-diol (1)
conditions of high (40:1) and modest (9:1) selectivity. In both
scenarios, the two C
2 enantiomers and the
derivative of the meso diastereomer of 1 were
obtained with high stereoisomeric purity (≥97% dp, >99% ee)
an initial l-tartarate mediated epoxidation of the mixture
followed by recycling of the mono- and diepoxide fractions
by deoxygenation (KSeCN) and reepoxidation using a D-tartarate derived
catalyst. The results are in reasonable
agreement with those calculated with the mathematical