The protonation of [CpCo(C 4 Me 4 )] (1) with excess acid, which produces the carbenoid ion 3 + , is shown to be reversible under conditions of low proton activity. Treatment of 3 + with one equivalent of NEt 3 mainly produces 1 (60 %, isolated yield), and in DMSO the solvent acts as base transforming [3]BF 4 into 1 (67 %, isolated yield). Deprotonation of [3]BF 4 with excess NEt 3 affords (cyclopentadienyl)[(2-5-η)-(3Z,4Z)-3,4-dimethylhexa-1,2,4-triene]cobalt (5) in high yield (83 %). The structure of 5 has been determined by X-ray work. In the reaction of 3 + with pyridine four reaction channels could be unveiled by low-temperature NMR spectroscopy: i) Reversible deprotonation to form 5 in a kinetic shunt; ii) reversible nucleophilic addition at the carbenoid center to form a pyridinium ion complex 6 + as a low-temperature species with a terminal anti-Me group; iii) irreversible isomerization of 6 + to the more stable stereoisomer 7 + with a terminal syn-Me group; iv) very slow formation of 1. Using very high concentrations of pyridine (mixing at -60°C, slowly warming to 20°C) allowed the preparation of [7]BF 4 in near quantitative yield (97 %). The pyridine rings in 6 + and 7 + display hindered rotation (NMR), and the structure of [7]CF 3 SO 3 shows considerable steric crowding. On treatment with a large excess of CF 3 CO 2 H ( Ն 7 equiv.) the hexatriene complex 5 quantitatively reverts to the carbenoid 3 + . Reaction of 5 with (C 5 H 5 NH)CF 3 SO 3 (-80°C, 3 weeks) produced