Ein solches Zweiparameter-Model1 lPRt sich rnit der systeminternen Stabilitit der Biosphare (6) und ihrer Abhangigkeit von den externen Parametern, hier dem atmospharischen C0,-Gehalt (Michaelis-Menten-Term), beschreiben 0.16) in kJ/mol. With an excess of 0 atoms mainly SO2, CO,, HCHO, and H2S were found; for mercaptan-rich mixtures sulphides and disulphides were formed in addition, indicating the occurrence of thiyl radicals as intermediates. OH and CHI radicals were also analysed. -As O2 is present in the atmosphere, in part I1 its influence on the reaction system is discussed, especially its reactions with thiyl radicals. In a CSTR, oxygen-nitrogen mixtures, containing small amounts of mercaptan (0.5 -
0.16). (2.73