Cross sections for a number of (p, xn) reactions (1<#<4) at 400 MeV are reported. The excitation function for the Ge n {p, xn) As 78 "* system was measured between 100 and 400 MeV. The data are compared with the results of Monte Carlo cascade (Vegas) calculations and evaporation calculations. The experimental dependence of the As 76 (£, #»)Se 76~* cross sections on x did not agree well with the results of these calculations, although the Vegas step calculations reproduced the shape of this dependence. The crosssection data are consistent with a mechanism involving charge-exchange p-n scatterings, within the target nucleus, followed by the evaporation of x-\ neutrons. The ratio of , n) reaction, to the neutron separation energy. On the basis of the postulated mechanism, the propability for charge-exchange scattering as a function of excitation energy was obtained for Y 8 * and Te 126