The heterodimetallic complex [(r15-C5H,)MoMn(p-H)(~-PPhz)(CO)~], the structure of which has been established by X-ray analysis, reacts with dienes and with acetylene under photolysis; t w o of the products, [(q5-C5H5(MoMn{ p-a : q3-CHzC(Me)CHMe}(p-PPh2)(CO)4] and [(q5-C5H5)MoMn{p-a : q4-CHCHCHzCHPPh2}(C0)41 have been characterised b y X-ray analysis and show unusual bonding modes for the organic ligands.Relatively little is known about the organic chemistry of reactions of a related heterodimetallic complex, [(q5heterodimetallic complexes. 1 4 In particular, the organic C5H,)MoMn(p-H)(p-PPh2)(Co),l, with dienes and with chemistry of complexes of this type in which the two metal acetylene. These illustrate the different chemistry that may be centres are bridged by a hydrogen atom remains virtually expected for such systems and give rise to complexes in which unexplored.5 We have recently reported on the reactivity of unusual modes of bonding are observed for the organic ligands the homodimetallic hydrogen-bridged complex [ Mn2( pH)( pformed. PPh2)(CO)# and, in this communication, we describe some Addition of an equimolar quantity of PhzPH to the Ph, ' H ( 5 ) 5 c P = r ) -C5H,