Synthetic supramolecular assemblies able to encapsulate guest molecules often impart unique reactivity on the encapsulated guests. Although much less complex than the active sites of enzymes, synthetic host molecules have been developed that can carry out complex reactions within their cavities.Over the last decade, the Raymond group has developed a series of self-assembled supramolecules able to encapsulate small guest molecules. This Account details recent collaborative work between the Raymond and Bergman groups focusing on chemical catalysis stemming from the encapsulation of protonated guests and expanding to acid-catalysis in basic solution.We initially investigated the ability of a self-assembled supramolecular host molecule to encapsulate protonated guests. Our study of encapsulated protonated amines revealed a rich array of host-guest chemistry. Guest exchange studies established that the rates of encapsulated protonated amines were dependent on the steric bulk of the amine rather than its basicity. The purely-rotational T symmetry of the host molecule effectively desymmetrized the geminal N-methyl groups and allowed for the observation and quantification of the barriers for nitrogen inversion followed by bond rotation. In further screening of amine guests, small nitrogen heterocycles such as N-alkylaziridines, -azetidines and -pyrrolidines were found to be encapsulated as proton-bound homodimers or homotrimers. Expanding 3 the study of protonated amines to investigate the thermodynamic stabilization of protonated amines showed that encapsulation makes the encapsulated amines more basic and raises the effective basicity of the protonated amines by up to 4.5 pK a units.The thermodynamic stabilization of protonated guests was translated into chemical catalysis by applying the stabilization of protonated species to reactions proceeding through monocationic protonated intermediates. Orthoformates, which are generally stable in neutral or basic solution, were found to be suitable substrates for catalytic hydrolysis by the assembly. Orthoformates small enough to undergo encapsulation were readily hydrolyzed by the assembly in basic solution with observed rate accelerations of up to 3900 when compared to the uncatalyzed reaction. Furthering the analogy to enzymes that obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics, competitive inhibition was demonstrated with the inhibitor NPr 4 + , thereby confirming that the interior cavity of the assembly was the active site for catalysis. Mechanistic studies revealed that the assembly is intimately required for catalysis and that the rate limiting step of the reaction is proton-transfer from hydronium to the encapsulated substrate.Encapsulation in the assembly changes the orthoformate hydrolysis mechanism from an A-1, in which decomposition of the protonated substrate is the rate limiting step, to an A-S E 2 mechanism in which proton transfer is the rate limiting step. The study of hydrolysis reactions in the assembly was next extended to acetals, which were also catalytically hydrolyzed ...