Boiling and condensation are among the best recognized phase transitions of condensed matter. Approaching the critical point, a liquid becomes indistinguishable from its vapour, the interfacial thickness diverges and the system is dominated by long-wavelength density fluctuations 1 . Long wavelength usually means hundreds of particle diameters, but here we consider the limits of this assumption, using a mesoscopic analogue of simple liquids, a colloid-polymer mixture 2,3 . We simultaneously visualize both the colloidal particles and near-critical density fluctuations, and reveal particle-level images of the critical clusters and liquid-gas interface. Surprisingly, we find that critical scaling does not break down until the correlation length approaches the size of the constituent particles, where there is a smooth transition to non-critical classical behaviour. Our results could provide a framework for unifying the disparate particle and correlation length scales, and bring new insight into the nature of the liquid-gas interface and the limit of the critical regime.Among the simplest pictures of two different phases is that of a magnet, whose sites can only point up or down, and do so depending solely on their neighbours. This Ising model in fact describes a general class of phase transitions 1 , from the original ferromagnetic transition in magnets to phase separation in alloys, binary liquids, emulsions and polymers, and the liquidgas transition in simple liquids and colloid-polymer mixtures. Although we shall consider the latter two cases, this work has implications for many systems that belong to the same universality class. Close to the critical point, many physical properties such as the bulk correlation length, ξ B , are described by simple scaling, such as ξ B = ξ 0 B ε −ν , where ξ 0 B is the bare correlation length (or critical amplitude) and ε = (T − T C )/T C is a reduced temperature where T is the temperature and T C is the critical temperature. The critical exponent ν = 0.5 according to mean-field theory, and very close to the critical point there is a crossover to ν = 0.63, 'three-dimensional (3D) Ising universality' 4 . We shall refer to the entire scaling regime, both mean field and 3D Ising as the critical region. Although criticality is well understood, the point at which it breaks down has so far received relatively little attention. Conventional theory of critical phenomena assumes a large separation in length scales, that is, that the correlation length is decoupled from other length scales. This length-scale separation lies at the heart of critical universality, implying that the microscopic details are irrelevant. Whereas length-scale coupling has been considered in complex fluids with much longer length scales, such as polymer 5 and ionic 6 solutions, we consider here a more general limit: the case that the correlation length approaches that of the constituent particles. Although it is difficult to approach this limit experimentally in molecular systems, a colloidpolymer mixture provides...