“…In conjunction with the results discussed above, some additional areas of research are referred to in the following for the bene®t of the reader: aging processes, 77 in-situ electrochemical reactions (batteries), 78,79 intercalation of alkanes (n-hexane, pentane, butane) in CsC 24 , 80±82 conformational changes in light-and dark-adapted membranes, 83 hydration of cements, 84,85 hydrogenation of high T c superconductors, 86,87 orientational ¯uctuations in nematic liquid crystals, 88 electrolytic loading of hydrogen/ deuterium into metals (palladium), 89 reactions and phase relations at mantle pressure and temperatures, 90±92 chemical synthesis by the sol±gel procedure, 93 mechanisms of phase transformation in cobalt phthalocyanine compounds, 38 `memory effect' during polymorphic crystallizations, 94 understanding how solid catalysts work, 95 high pressure and high temperature phase transformations, 96±98 kinetics of oxidation of lanthanum strontium manganates, 99 magnesium aluminophosphate synthesis, 100 hydrothermal crystallization of zeolites, 101,102 short-lived transient states in protein molecules, 103 or natural gas conversion by CO 2 reforming. 104…”