Abstract-This paper presents a methodology to obtain the optimal trading strategies between the proactive distribution company (PDISCO), heterogeneous distributed generation owners (DGOs) and wholesale market in a real-time trading framework. In this framework, the PDISCO's decisions cover the power procurements from DGOs and the transactions within the real-time market. A one-leader multi-follower-type bilevel model is proposed to embody the PDISCO-DGO gaming structure. The upper-level (UL) problem is to maximize the PDISCO's profit, while the lower-level (LL) problem indicates the profit maximization per DGO. Since the UL problem is non-linear and non-convex and the LL problems are linear and convex, we reformulate the proposed model to a solvable mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) by an equivalent primal-dual approach. The numerical results of the case studies show the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed model. Mapping of the set of DGs and SDs onto the set of DGOs.
Sets and IndicesBidding price and generation quantity of respective Type1,2,3 DGOs at time t .Active and reactive power generated by respective Type1,2,3 DGOs at time t for scenario ω. P Reactive power supplied by the shunt compensator at bus i at time t for scenario ω. P f t,ij,ω , Q f t,ij,ω Active and reactive power flows through feeder ij at time t for scenario ω. e tiω , δ tiω Voltage magnitude and phase angle at bus i at time t for scenario ω. Profit guarantee factor of the DGO of Type1,2,3 respectively at time t.