Power factor correction circuits are being used more extensively, and with that, the requirements and standards have become increasingly stringent. To improve the power factor of the circuit, thereby improving its operational efficiency and mitigating the load effects in boost power factor correction circuits, reducing Total Harmonics Distortion is crucial for improving the quality of the current. An improvement upon the conventional dual-loop PID control algorithm has been proposed. It involves integrating Model Predictive Control into the current loop design and incorporates a Luenberger observer. Model Predictive Control methods can be applied for the control of multivariable systems, especially in complex multivariable systems, as they exhibit strong robustness. Finally, by performing both simulation and experimental validations and analyzing the data results, it is shown that under full load conditions, the power factor λ is 0.968, the efficiency η is 91.11%, the voltage total harmonic distortion Uthd
is 1.88%, and the current total harmonic distortion Ithd
is 7.04%. These data results strongly confirm the performance of the control mechanism proposed in this paper.