Thermodynamics places a limit on the efficiency of heat engines, but not on their output power or on how the power and efficiency change with the engine's cycle time. In this letter, we develop a geometrical description of the power and efficiency as a function of the cycle time, applicable to an important class of heat engine models. This geometrical description is used to design engine protocols that attain both the maximal power and maximal efficiency at the fast driving limit. Furthermore, using this method we also prove that no protocol can exactly attain the Carnot efficiency at non-zero power.Introduction Heat engines -machines that exploit temperature differences to extract useful work, are modeled as operating in either a non-equilibrium steadystate, e.g. thermoelectric [1,2] or chemical potential [3] driven engine, or as a cyclic engine, where external parameters and temperature are varied periodically in time, e.g. the Carnot, Otto, Stirling and the Diesel cycles [4]. Both types of engines are characterized by two main figures of merit: efficiency and power.In steady-state heat engines, currents generated by the temperature difference flow against some affinities (thermodynamical forces), e.g. electrical [1,2,5] or chemical potentials [3], generating useful work. From a practical standpoint, the interest in these engines is limited, since the majority of heat engines are better modeled as cyclic engines. One of the main motivations to study steady-state heat engines, however, is the hope that they share universal characteristics with cyclic engines, which are generically more difficult to analyze. An example for such a characteristic behavior is the relationship between power and efficiency: in all steady state heat engines, the affinity at maximal power does not equal to the affinity at maximal efficiency, unless one of the heat baths is at infinite or zero temperature. Heat engines that attain their maximal power and maximal efficiency (which is either the Carnot efficiency or a lower value) at different working conditions are here defined as heat engines with a power-efficiency trade-off. The power-efficiency trade-off is the subject of many recent studies [3,[6][7][8][9][10][11].Less is known about the efficiency and power of cyclic heat engines, but a lot of research effort has been devoted to understanding them in recent years [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The operation of a cyclic engine is characterized by a protocol that describes the time dependence of key variables along the cycle -e.g. piston position and temperature. The set of feasible protocols however, is strongly bounded by a set of engine specific and hence non-generic constraints. Maximizing power or efficiency is, therefore, a nontrivial constrained optimization problem. Nevertheless, there is a natural optimization problem in these engines which is both simpler and of practical importance: optimization with respect to overall cycle time. In most cyclic engines, the protocol is determined up to a rescaling of the cycle time. In...